The Many Substances Used for At-Home Abortions Throughout History

Historically, women have been performing abortions at home for centuries, often using methods that were crude, dangerous, and ineffective. The lack of access to safe and effective medical care put women's lives at risk. Prior to the legalization of abortion in many countries, women who sought to terminate a pregnancy had limited options and faced significant health risks. Unfortunately, in desperation many women used crude physical methods to end their pregnancies included the use of tools, such as coat hangers, knitting needles, or other sharp objects, to puncture the uterus and cause bleeding. These methods were dangerous and could result in severe complications, such as infection, hemorrhage, or death. 

Home remedies were often the only alternative method available for women in desperate situations. Some of the most commonly used methods of home abortion included the use of toxic herbs. Women would consume these substances orally or as a vaginal suppository, hoping that they would induce a miscarriage. Some of the herbs that have been traditionally used for this purpose include:

Pennyroyal: A member of the mint family and has traditionally been used to induce menstruation and abortion.  Pennyroyal contains a substance called pulegone, which is toxic and can cause liver and kidney damage. Ingesting pennyroyal essential oil could be fatal. Pulegone also stimulates uterine contractions and can cause miscarriage or premature labor when taken in high doses. The use of pennyroyal to induce abortion is extremely risky and can lead to serious complications, including hemorrhage, infection, and even death. 

Tansy is a flowering plant that has been used for centuries to induce abortion. However, it is also highly toxic and can cause seizures, hallucinations, and other serious health problems.

Black cohosh root: A plant native to North America that has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes, including inducing labor and menstruation. However, its safety and effectiveness in inducing abortion have not been well studied.

Dong quai also known as Angelica sinensis is an herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including menstrual disorders and had the potential to stimulate contractions. Dong quai may increase the risk of bleeding, particularly in people with bleeding disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications like NSAIDs.

Mugwort: In folk medicine it  as used primarily for menstrual pain. High doses are thought to cause abortion. It also relieves cramps and causes vascular constriction. It can promote labor. Thujone is the active ingredient thought to stimulate the uterus. However, mugwort can cause allergic reactions, contact dermatitis or rashes, in some. 

Salt water (saline) injection into the vagina is sometimes used in medical settings to induce labor or to terminate a pregnancy in the second or third trimester. However, this procedure must be performed under the supervision of a healthcare professional, as it can cause including injury to the uterus or cervix, excessive bleeding, and infection.

There are a number of other herbs suggested to have been used for abortions from all over the world. The trial and error research and knowledge of these herb’s properties are a testimonial to the fact that women have been seeking abortions since the beginning of time. They always have and they always will. Today we know in the literature there are a number of more substances that can increase the risk of miscarriage, birth effects or complications during pregnancy mostly form epidemiological research rather than intentionally testing these compounds on pregnant women to induce abortion.

High doses of vitamin A: Consuming excessive amounts of vitamin A, found in some supplements and certain foods, and the severe acne medication isotretinoin can increase the risk of birth defects and miscarriage.

Caffeine: High amounts of caffeine can increase the risk of miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. Caffeine pills, strong coffee/espresso and energy drinks contain the highest amounts of caffeine.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These include drugs are often used for pain relief. High doses or prolonged use of NSAIDs during early pregnancy may increase the risk of miscarriage but can also lead to irreversible liver damage.
Antidepressants: Some studies have suggested that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other antidepressants may increase the risk of miscarriage.
 Taking too much SSRIs, Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs), or any other drug that increases the amount of serotonin in the brain (like many illicit drugs) can cause a life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. Symptoms can include agitation, confusion, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, dilated pupils, and muscle rigidity.
Hormonal medications: Certain hormonal medications used for fertility treatments may increase the risk of miscarriage.
Chemotherapies: Some strong cancer drugs such as methotrexate (which is also used for chronic auto immune disorder such as rheumatoid arthritis) and aminopterin (which has also been used to treat psoriasis) has also been known to cause spontaneous miscarriage or fetal defects in early stages of pregnancy in some document cases.
Listeria bacterial infection during pregnancy can cause a miscarriage or stillbirth. Listeria is a type of bacteria that can cause a serious infection which is most commonly transmitted through contaminated food. Pregnant women are at higher risk of developing the infection because their immune systems are weakened. High-risk foods include unpasteurized dairy products, deli meats, and refrigerated smoked seafood. 

The practice of home abortions continues in some parts of the world today, often due to a lack of access to safe and legal abortion services. However, advancements in medical technology and increased access to reproductive healthcare have made abortion safer and more accessible for women in many countries. While the debate over abortion continues to be a contentious issue, it is essential to ensure that women have access to safe and effective methods of terminating a pregnancy rather than resorting to dangerous and potentially lethal methods.
